November 28, 2010

Working from life would mean surrendering to the object.
In the state of delusion, both right and wrong are wrong.

November 24, 2010

You don’t paint the way someone, by observing his life, thinks you have to paint, you paint the way you have to, in order to give. That’s life itself, and someone will look and say it is the product of knowing, but it has nothing to do with knowing, it has to do with giving. The question about knowing will naturally be wrong. When you’ve finished giving, the look surprises you as much as anyone else.
Franz Kline

November 23, 2010

If I speak of having a subject to paint, I mean there is a forgotten place of beings and things, which I need to remember. I want to see this place. 
      I paint what I want to see.
poetry: the eternal unborn

November 22, 2010

The humane are sure to be courageous; the courageous are not necessarily humane.

November 10, 2010

my spirit is nearing affliction's
peak and i don't know how
to christen the suffering

November 8, 2010

the body hurtling
through the tunnel
its stillness

November 7, 2010

To see now only
The light, the simulation of that disturbing
Thing that would have to be disposed of

Henri Deluy

November 6, 2010

one only needs to know where to look,
or perhaps how to look,
or maybe it's a case of not looking at all
but simply seeing.
yet it might not be even that,
rather just accepting.

November 4, 2010

Tests the earth
Before assuming his place

Then begins
His obscure course between silence
And Babel

Toward the enigma of things.

Andrée Chedid